Accelerators at Virginia Tech

Invent the Future


CS@Virginia Tech

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Programming Assignments



Final project is required for all graduate students in CS5984. Each project team can include two members. We encourage discussion within each project team. Each project team is required to submit a project proposal and a final project report. We also ask each team to give a final project presentation as the end of the semester.

The research topic of the project should be related to GPGPU research, which can be performance analysis, optimization techniques, computation-to-core mapping for a specific algorithm and applications with GPU implementation. If you would like to propose a new research topic for your project, please contact the instructors for approval.

Project Proposal

Project proposal should follow ACM SIG Processings Templates, which is two-column and single-space. You can use either Word or Latex template. Your project proposal should be at least 4 pages long (including references) and include the following sections:

Final Project Report

Final project report should also follow ACM SIG Processings Templates, and be at least 6 pages long. The sections for final project are:

The structure of the final report is not restricted to previous sections. Please feel free to use any paper structure in your research area as long as the research contributions are clearly presented.

Note: Please clearly state the persentage of contribution and responsibility from each team member, if you project team includes more than one member.




Optimization II

Computational Models

Map Reduce Model

Application: Database

Application: Data Mining

Algorithm: Sorting

Algorithm: Graph Search

Algorithm: Graphics Cut

Algorithm: Hierachical Data Structure

Others: Distance Map and Language